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Get The Viking Everything Subscription
Viking Coders have been a name brand fixture in the Miva Module marketplace for nearly 15 years. With over 20,000 licenses distributed since 1999 - you know you can trust Viking Coders modules!
- Get almost EVERY Viking Coders Module for your Miva Merchant 5 store for one low monthly fee
- FREE UPDATES to your Viking Modules for the life of the subscription
- FREE Support Included*
- Subscription entitles you to access to nearly all Viking Coders Modules including:
- Affiliate Manager - Login for Merchant 5.x
- Affiliate Manager 5
- Continue Shopping 5
- Viking Coupons
- Features
- FedEx® Advanced for Merchant 5.x
- Free Shipping 5
- Generic Orders Export 5
- Gift Certificate Manager 5
- Inventory Manager for Merchant 5* (End of life product - no support available)
- Order Status Login 5
- Order Status Manager for Merchant 5* (End of life product - no support available)
- OSM5 Import / Export
- Payment Designer 5
- Phone Order Manager 5
- Pulse - Store Statistics for Merchant 5
- UPS® Online Tools Custom Integration
- USPS Advanced 5
- Vendor Manager 5
- Over $1700 worth of software!
Affiliate Manager - Login for Merchant 5.x
an accessory module for the Affiliate Manager This module provides your Affiliate Manager affiliates with an interface in your store where they can view and modify their personal data (permitting them to modify their settings is optional), view the orders and hits which have been credited to them, view the payouts which are pending and the payouts which have already been made.
Affiliate Manager 5
A comprehensive affiliate feature that gives you control over retention periods, tiers, payouts...Accurate tracking to keep your affiliates happy.
Continue Shopping 5
Continue Shopping 5 is an update to the 4.x version of the module. The module allows you to place smart continue shopping links/buttons on Miva Merchant 5 Pages. Continue Shopping 5 links/buttons remember the last shopping-related page the customer was on, even if the customer adjusts the basket contents. The display utilizes Miva Merchant SMT code so you can place the code on any appropriate Page you like in your store.
Coupons is a module that allows your customers to redeem coupons by entering a coupon code in your Miva Merchant 5.5 and 5.0 stores. It is both an upgrade and re-envisioning of our Miva Merchant 4.x module, Coupon Manager.
This module provides additional Features for your Merchant 5.x store. With the placement of the module's item tokens you can display, anywhere in your store, products randomly selected from your store, products randomly selected from particular categories, your store's best sellers, and more! The module accomplishes this by tying particular tokens to templates configured from within the module's admin. You can specify the exact layout of the template and display it anywhere in your store with a single item token. Particular details about the items are configured with separate tokens in the templates (for example, you can separately arrange where to display a product's thumbnail and name).
FedEx® Advanced for Merchant 5.x
You won't find more reliable or configurable shipping than with FedEx Advanced. This module allows for shipping in separate packages, dropshipping, international rates, and more.
Free Shipping 5
Would you like to give some notification to your customers that a certain product ships for free? Our Free Shipping 5 module gives you that functionality for your Miva Merchant 5.x store when using one of our shipping modules: UPS® Custom Integration FedEx® Advanced USPS® Advanced
Generic Orders Export 5
This module provides a more configurable means to export your batched order data to a flat file. The format and content of the header and exported orders is configured with tokens. Tokens are available for all of the order data and you can control exactly what data is exported. Including the shipping and payment data, even the data stored in the payment module's own databases. So you can export the credit card numbers and other payment data regardless of which payment module you have. *NOTE: The shipping and Payment data may not be available for some payment and shipping modules after you upgrade to "Wombat/PR7".
Gift Certificate Manager 5
Gift Certificate Manager allows you to sell and/or generate gift certificate keys that can be used online or in your brick-and-mortar store.
Inventory Manager for Merchant 5
Inventory Manager allows you to track inventory at the attribute and option level.
Order Status Login 5
This module extends the capabilities of the Order Status Manager to provide your customers with a way to check on the status of their order with only the order id and/or email address. This is especially useful for those merchants which do not require their customers to create an account with their store when placing an order.
Order Status Manager for Merchant 5
Reduce customer calls, emails and uncertainty with the best, most widely used, order status tracking module
OSM5 Import / Export
Order Status Manager 5 Import/Export is an admin add-on module to Order Status Manager 5. The module gives you several options for importing data into Order Status Manger. You can import data from an XML file, flat file or your Miva Merchant orders database. Additionally, you can export Order Status Manager data into an XML file or flat file.
Payment Designer 5
This is a payment module which lets you configure the specific fields to collect the payment data (if any). The user can configure the method name that appears in the drop down payment selection box and any number of individual fields to collect data (although none need be specified) and text prompts that appear on the payment data collection screen. Each field may be configured to be "required" so that a simple check verifies that the field has been filled out.
Pulse - Store Statistics for Merchant 5
Pulse is a 5x module for logging customer activity, orders, referers and the like. While this module is similar to our popular ELM and ELM2, it has been rewritten from scratch. As it makes extensive use of MySQL to optimize and produce queries, it is not available for stores using mivasql. (You can check which you are using by clicking the "Main") link in your Miva Merchant admin. Pulse will not be made available for mivasql.
UPS ® Online Tools Custom Integration
Provides accurate, real-time shipping using UPS Online Tools®; includes: international shipping, free shipping options, per-product and per-category options, drop shipping--this is the shipping module that can't be beat.
USPS Advanced 5
Continuing our tradition of developing the most highly configurable shipping modules for Miva Merchant, we are proud to announce the release of USPS Advanced. This module contains the same kind of options available in our FedEx Advanced and UPS Custom Integration. It offers USPS rate calculations for both domestic and international addresses.
Vendor Manager 5
Track and inform vendors when their products have been purchased. (Co-developed with e-BusinessExpress).
Viking Everything™ Subscription - $119.99
The Viking "Everything" Subscription provides you with ALMOST EVERY Viking Miva Merchant 5 module for your store, including updates and FREE SUPPORT! Over $1700 worth of software for one low monthly fee!