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mvtrocks.com: Customize your Miva Merchant Store
mvtrocks.com is all about Miva Merchant customization. While other Miva Merchant sites may focus exclusively on selling Miva Merchant modules or provide tutorials for Miva Merchant, our goal is to provide relevant and up to date assistance to the new merchant by providing information, products and services you can use to customize your store.
Community Focus
One of the most important success factors in the longevity of the Miva Merchant software is our community. The Miva Merchant community is filled with experts who have been building, hosting, extending and customizing stores for Miva Merchant since 1999. There's probably no other community like it that has stuck together so well so long. And we're here to welcome you into the family.
We sell Miva Merchant Modules from all of the best and most well known developers in the community; if your favorite module vendor isn't here, they will be soon! We work with and promote all of the good Miva Merchant hosts. We partner with some of the best Miva Merchant store designers as they know and use all of the modules on our site. And we'll be featuring guest writers from experts in every field of Miva e-commerce to help YOU build your dream.
mvtrocks.com is ALL about Miva Merchant 5
Let's face it folks - Miva Merchant 4 was first released sometime around 2002(I think!). While the "compiled" version (v4.14) was just a few years later, if you're just starting an online store in Miva Merchant 4 you're light years behind the rest of us! If your host created a brand new Miva Merchant 4 site within the last two years, you're probably NOT on one of the quality Miva Hosts.
Don't get us wrong - Miva Merchant 4 is still a great product. But don't start your dream online store on 6 or 8 year old technology if you can help it! Now, if you have a successful Miva Merchant 4 store (and we've even seen the occasional Miva Merchant 3 sites still running), you might not jump to upgrade. After all if it's not broke... well you get the idea.
But we're here to help new merchants get online and extend their store fast. So if you're looking for old material, there are some other great sites that focus on Miva Merchant 4 which might be right for you!
Learn, Extend, and Partner
Yup, that's what we're all about too! It's a common path for a store designer, whether you're the consultant or the site owner. First, browse our informational topics and learn Miva Merchant. Then extend your Miva Merchant store using both built-in StoreMorph technology and third party modules sold here. Then if you'd like to earn some extra income, partner with mvtrocks.com by creating an affiliate account, recommending solutions to prospective customers, and even learn to write and sell your own modules right here.
So take a breather, browse our site and content, and join us. We're here to help.