Upsale Magic 5

Upsale Magic 5
Price: $40.00
Current Version: 5.00
Quantity in Basket: None

Upsale Magic provides a discount function that allows you to set up many different variations on the idea of, "buy X, get a special price on Y." As you probably know, Miva Merchant has a built-in "upsale" feature, but many users find it too limited for their needs. Upsale Magic allows you to inform customers of discount offers while they are shopping, instead of waiting till they check out.

The module's essential features are:

  • Both "X" and "Y" can be a single product, or a list of products; or the discount can apply to all products in one or more categories.
  • The discount can be set to offer a dollar amount, a percentage, or an alternate price for the item.
  • You can optionally set a limit on the number of "Y" items for which the discount will apply.
  • Messages describing the discounts are displayed to the customer as soon as they view any product for which a discount is available. Module settings allow you to customize the message text and HTML formatting.
  • The location of the discount messages can be specified by editing the page templates. Upon installation, the messages are automatically placed near the top of the product and category pages.

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