Amazon Order Import

Amazon Order Import
Price: $90.00
Current Version: 5.000
Quantity in Basket: None

If you run a Miva store, and you also sell products at, the Amazon Order Import module will be a big time-saver for you! It allows you to import order data from into your Miva store. You can then work with this data just like regular Miva orders: view them on the Miva admin pages, generate reports, and export or download them to other accounting and order-management programs.

  • Amazon orders are placed in separate batches from regular Miva orders, so you can easily keep track of which is which.
  • Prices, shipping information, and and other essential data is "filtered" to confirm to the standard Miva fomat.
  • Amazon order ID numbers are preserved with each Miva order, for easy cross-referencing.

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